A glorious dawn
for the glory of God
“Unto him be glory in the church by Christ
Jesus throughout all ages, world without end.
It has been a bounden duty that has fallen
upon all of us to proclaim the gospel to several crores of
people living in the vast and expansive nation of India. Even
in the very first century, Holy Spirit had sent St. Thomas,
one of the earliest disciples of Lord JesusChrist. Following
this, in every century, missionaries have been sent generation
to generation. In the last two centuries, the Lord has sent so
many missionary people and built churches in various parts of
India. Despite this, our Indian nation is still being a nation
to which proclamation of gospel is indispensable. Only for this
purpose, the Lord has raised a number of missionaries, servants
of God and numerous missionary movements.
Shalom church ministries:-
Despite so many torments, trials and
tribulations, thanks to the grace of God, with the succour of
the Holy Spirit 520 congregations have been formed with wonders
and signs by the 420 Bhil native evangelists. Initially, the
Lord was gracious enough to coordinate 100 churches and as per
ordinances of the church, Shalom Diocese India Network was
formed and it was dedicated on 20-11-09. In the coming days, we
would clearly instruct them with matters such as baptism
register, matrimony, accounts maintenance, vision of the church,
growth-related works. They would be lifted to become soul
winning churches. Not only should they become self-supporting
churches, but they also should become missionary churches that
support and uphold other ministries as per the vision of the
Shalom Mission. This is our goal.
For the past two years, for the formation of
church network, we have had consultations with saints; we had
been fasting and praying with them. The canons of the churches
have been enacted and put into force in accordance with the
guidance of many government officials and children of God ,
especially Christian Institute of Management, Chennai.
The churches that have been raised through
Shalom Mission have not been united with any other denomination;
nor have they joined any other organizations. As per the
vision that the Lord gave and according to the guidance of the
Holy Spirit, the Shalom church will continue to function under
the headship of Bro. V.Devadass and Sis.Vahitha Devadass. By
the grace of God, the dedication service of our Shalom Indian
Church (Shalom Diocese) took place at the Berachach campus in
Ananth, in Gujarat for the glory of the name of our Lord. The
Most Rt.Rev.Dr,Duraisingh James, the Most Rev.Dr,John Sathia
Kumar and the Rt.Rev.John S.D.Raju conducted the dedication
service very superbly and we witnessed the full presence of the
Holy Spirit. Moreover, the holy trio consecrated and ordained
our beloved Bro.Devadass as the founder Bishop of Shalom Indian
Church. These three bishops have recognized the ministries of
our Shalom Mission as an honourable vessel in God’s eyes and
giving importance to our function, they have sacrificed their
own church activities, without expecting any profit. Hence, on
behalf of Shalom ministry, we express our gratitude from the
bottom of our heart to these three chief bishops praising the
Everybody witnessed the shower of grace of
the Holy Spirit that was poured on the Shalom Church believers,
elders, and evangelists’ families and praised the Lord. Glory
be to God!
The churches that are formed and raised by
the new evangelists and new believers who are saved by the
proclamation of gospel by Shalom mission, will be joined with
Shalom Diocese. Moreover, on the very same day, 77 elder Bhil
native evangelists were ordained as pastors who were selected
with the succour of the Holy spirit. They were ordained by the
three Bishops along with our Shalom Bishop Rt.Rev.Dr.V.Devadass.
In this grand celebration, all the evangelists’ families of
Shalom Church as well as 7 elders from every church where
pastors were newly ordained, participated . Glory be to God!
The chairman of Sharing Love Mission could
not participate in the grand celebration because of his ministry
in foreign countries. Yet he had sent us greetings with great
delight. Shalom Board Members, Prof.C.S.Christopher, (Palayamkottai),
Mr.Arputharaj, (Tuticorin), Mr.Jebez Augustine and Fly
(Nazareth), and Pas.Gnanasekaran(Chennai) took part in the
celebration, took charge of it, and conducted with great effort.
Moreover, we will publish full details as a special issue.
Finally, we thank you a lot for your fervent
and sincere prayers and sacrificial offerings that you have sent
us for these 18 years. And I request you all to pray for
ministry which is to raise 7000 evangelists and churches in 7000
villages by proclaiming gospel of salvation to the Bhil people
numbering one crore.
Pray for and support SHARING LOVE
Pray that gospel would be proclaimed in 7000
villages, and 7000 evangelists be picked up from them and
Pray that 7000 village churches would be
Pray that 50,000 church elders would be
Pray for Shalom Diocese in India!
Pray that Shalom Diocese in India would
become a praying church.
Pray that it would become a soul-winning
Pray that many local churches would be
Pray that the church become a supporting and
upholding church.
Pray that the church would bear witness to
Christ and be controlled by the Holy Spirit.
Pray that 500 Shalom churches be raised
before 2010.
Pray that many evangelist, elders and
special Bible teachers for children would be raised through
Shalom Bible Colllege.
Pray for Shalom Charity Mission!
Pray that education ministry would be done
to 10,000 adivasi children.
Pray that 10 Shalom schools would be
Pray that education scheme for elderly
people would be put into force.
Pray that water supply would be made
available in all the villages.
Pray that medical facilities and primary
health education and all other developmental works would be made