A ministry that consoles the broken
In the last week of January 1992 I and my
wife came to Chennai, broken hearted, having lost our loving
daughter Sharon. As we had no one to comfort us, we thought of
visiting Jesus calls Prayer Tower. We went there and introduced
ourselves as missionaries from Gujarat. Dr.Paul Dhinakaran was
praying for each one of the visitors. When we told him our
broken hearted condition, he was in tears. He prayed for us with
so much of compassion as if I were his own brother. When he
uttered these words, “Lord I am unworthy to pray for thy
servant” my heart was shaken. Our Lord strengthened us through
his compassionate and humble prayer. When we came back to
Gujarat after four days we had a pleasant surprise.
Bro.Dhinakaran had sent us a gift cheque for Rs.500/- along with
10 V.C.D cassettes. This is the beginning of our associating
with Jesus calls ministry.
in power ministry Training program
In June 1992 we applied for the above
training program, conducted by Jesus calls. In the application
form, we had to reply ‘No’ for many questions asked regarding
Jesus calls Magazine, Young Partners scheme, Karunya and T.V.
Ministry because we had not taken part in any of these
ministries. We thought our application would be turned down. But
to our great surprise we were selected to undergo the power
ministry program. It is all because of the guidance of the Holy
Spirit. We gained deep understanding about the gifts and fruits
of the Holy Spirit. Not only that, we learnt how to minister
with the spirit of compassion and the love of Jesus and with the
mighty power of the Holy Spirit. Above all the experience we had
in the program, God anointed us with the Holy Spirit. From that
time onwards we experienced a break through in our ministry
among the Bhils. Thousands of souls come to the living knowledge
of Christ, through signs and wonders.
In October 1998, ‘Jesus Calls’ conducted
their 23rd power ministry program in Indore, Madhya Pradesh.
Among thousands of people who had applied, forty of our Native
evangelists were selected to undergo the training program, even
though their qualifications were much, much less than other
applicants. This only shows how much ‘Jesus Calls’ is concerned
about the ministry among Bhil Adivasis. These forty evangelists
have brought about a great revival among the Bhils within a few
years. God is using them mightily, manifesting His name with
signs and wonders. All praise and glory be to His mighty name.
In Jhalod we started our ministry in a
small rented house. After two years we moved to a Bungalow which
belonged to a Sindh merchant paying a rent of Rs.2500/- per
month. The merchant was willing to give this house for us,
because there was always a fear of theft. After three years the
Sindh merchant came forward to sell that house to us for Rupees
6 lakhs. With much difficulty we raised Rs.4 lakhs and gave it
as advance. But we could not pay the balance of Rs.2 lakhs in
the stipulated time. So the man came and asked us to vacate the
house. I was in tears and prayed over the situation. The
telephone bell rang and when I picked up the receiver I could
hear dear ayah on the other side. He asked “Thambi Devadoss,
have you purchased the house which you proposed to buy”? I
explained to him the situation. Immediately he told he would
send the balance of Rs.2 lakhs. He also asked “What you will do
for registration expenses?”. When I told him ‘I will mange’, he
simply laughed and said “you poor boy, how will you manage in
that jungle; I will send what is required for the registration.”
My joy knew no bounds; I praised God with all my heart, mind and
soul. We received the draft for Rs.2,50,000/- the very next day.
When I gave the money to the Sind merchant he confessed, “The
God you worship is the true God! He has bid me to build that
beautiful house and give it to you for a small price”. All
praises to God the father, God the son and God the Holy Spirit
for ‘Jesus calls’ ministry.
Recently we have moved to Dahod, the district
headquarters for administrative and other reasons. The house at
Jhalod is being used to accommodate an orphanage and a few
departments in our ministry. It is nothing but miracle that God
enabled us to buy one big house in Dahod to accommodate our
field office and our family quarters. We would like to share our
joy with the readers that more than 50% of the cost of the
building was met by Jesus calls and its founders.
We find no suitable word to express our
deep gratitude to Dhinakaran Iyah and Dr. Paul Dhinakaran except
to say God bless Jesus calls ministry and its founders for ever
and ever.
We are happy to tell you that Jesus calls
has given us the status of ‘Ambassadors’ in North India where we
minister among the Bhils.
“Bear one
another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ”. Galatians
For the last 14 years Bro.D.G.S.Dhinakaran has given
us the privilege to meet him personally at least once or twice
in a year. He spends some time with us enquiring about the
wellbeing of every member of the family.
When ‘Sharon’ our daughter died we thought
it is God’s will for us to have only two sons. But when we met
Bro.D.G.S. Dhinakaran for the first time he prayed with tears
that God should compensate for the loss of that child. The tears
fell on us. God heard his prayers and gave us Shekinah in
another 10 Months. Whenever we meet him, he showers his love on
us. His words of love, comfort and encouragement have
strengthened us greatly in our ministry.
In August 1999 we went through one of the
most difficult financial situation. I could only cry to our
Lord, “Why, all this Lord? Have I not served you faithfully?”
The very next day comfort came through Jesus calls ministry.
They had sent us Rupees one lakh. Like this they have helped us
many times whenever we desperately needed financial help.
In our ministry in North India we often face
stiff opposition from those who are opposed to the gospel of
Christ. We always wanted to have s spokesman who would stand
with us in times of trouble. Bro.D.G.S.Dhinakaran introduced us
to one Rev. Anil Martin in Bhopal. He is a highly respected
person even among high ranking officials and political leaders.
When we faced much trouble in Jabuva, our local leaders were
able to meet the DGP and then the Chief Minister thanks to the
help of Rev.Anil Martin. Not only that, our Shalom Mission has
been registered as an associate member of M.P State Christian
Association through his help.